Pinwheel Place cares for children by providing for their physical and emotional needs.
We provide free emergency child care for children ages newborn to 6 based on the needs of the family. Respite care is also available.
Emergency childcare needs can include:
Respite, job interviews, medical emergencies, childbirth, court appointments, etc..
Pinwheel Place strengthens families by caring for their children, connecting them to resources and providing basic needs. We also support their emotional needs by listening to their experiences in a non-judgemental way.
Pinwheel Place transforms the community by helping families going through difficult times. As they say “it takes a village”. You can change a child’s and families’ life today. Pinwheel Place is funded by the generosity of individuals, corporations, businesses, and organizations. There are several ways that you can help to protect our most vulnerable children: by making a financial donation, volunteering at the Nursery, or becoming a member of our Board of Directors. We invite you to join us with your time and talents or a financial contribution.