Become a sponsor
Pinwheel Place provides all of our services solely through donations from the community and time given by the volunteers. Any individual, business, or group can support families in need through a sponsorship.
$250 Provides loving care and a week’s worth of nourishment for the children in the house.
$500 Provides loving care, a week’s worth of nourishment, and a week’s worth of diapers for the children in the house and diapers for those in our basic needs program.
$1,000 Provides loving care, two week’s of nourishment, and a month’s worth of diapers for the children in our house and diapers for our basic needs program.
$2,500 Provides loving care, a month of nourishment, a month of diapers, transportation and a care package of clothing, diapers, formula etc. for one family
Your generosity will be appreciated and publicly recognized in the ways described below.